Erie Hack 2019

Erie Hack is an annual innovation challenge for students, researchers, engineers, technology developers, and creatives throughout the Great Lakes region, with the goal of accelerating “technology solutions to Lake Erie’s most pressing problems.” Teams organize and compete for more than $100,000 in prizes to fuel their projects beyond the scope of the competition.

The program was launched in 2017 and is led by the Cleveland Water Alliance in collaboration with partners from the cities of Detroit, Toledo, Ohio, Erie, Pa., Buffalo, N.Y. and Windsor, Ontario. Wayne State University and Tech Town Detroit are local sponsors.

The Detroit Water Stories team followed teams in Detroit. The following videos (collated into a playlist) are from this year’s regionals semi-finals in Detroit, which were held on June 5, 2019. Teams include: Wastewater Warehouse, Nemo, Solar Map, and Vol. Each team gave 3-5 minute presentations detailing their project ideas.